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293 result(s)

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Last updated: 2020-08-27

Product names: Bezafibrat Genericon retard, Bezafibrat "ratiopharm" retard , Bezafibrat 1A Pharma retard, Bezalip retard, Bezastad retard, Bezastad

ATC-Code: C10AB02 - Bezafibrat

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Last updated: 2021-05-07

Product names: Androbloc, Bicalutamid Actavis, Bicalutamid Bluefish, Bicalutamid Genericon, Bicalutamid G.L., Bicalutamid Hexal, Bicalutamid "Interpharm", Bicalutamid Kabi, Bicalutamid +pharma, Bicalutamid Sandoz, Bicalutamid STADA, Bicalutamid 1A Pharma, Bicalutamid-ratiopharm , Bicalutamid-ratiopharm, Casodex

ATC-Code: L02BB03 - Bicalutamid

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Product names: Burinex

ATC-Code: C03CA02 - Bumetanid

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Last updated: 2021-05-07

ATC-Code: C03EA14 - Butizid und Kalium sparende Mittel

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Last updated: 2020-11-05

ATC-Code: D05AX02 - Calcipotriol

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Last updated: 2021-05-07

Product names: Atacand, Blopress, Candeblo, Candesartan Actavis, Candesartan A-med, Candesartan Arcana, Candesartan Genericon, Candesartan G.L., Candesartan Krka, Candesartan +pharma, Candesartan ratiopharm, Candesartan Sandoz, Candesartan STADA, Candesartan 1A Pharma

ATC-Code: C09CA06 - Candesartan

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Last updated: 2022-03-04

Product names: Capecitabin Accord, Capecitabin medac, Capecitabin Sandoz, Capecitabin STADA, Capecitabin Teva, Ecansya, Xeloda

ATC-Code: L01BC06 - Capecitabin

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ATC-Code: C09AA01 - Captopril

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Last updated: 2021-05-07

Product names: Neurotop , Neurotop retard, Neurotop, Tegretol orale, Tegretol retard 200 mg , Tegretol retard 400 mg , Tegretol 200 mg , Tegretol 400 mg

ATC-Code: N03AF01 - Carbamazepin

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ATC-Code: M03BA02 - Carisoprodol

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ATC-Code: M01AE20 - Carprofen

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Last updated: 2021-04-25

Product names: Cefazolin AptaPharma, Cefazolin Sandoz, Kefzol, Servazolin

ATC-Code: J01DB04 - Cefazolin

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Product names: Cefotaxim Eberth, Cefotaxim Sandoz, Cefotaxim-MIP, Tirotax

ATC-Code: J01DD01 - Cefotaxim

1 related publications

Last updated: 2021-05-13

Product names: Ceftazidim Hikma, Ceftazidim Kabi, Ceftazidim Sandoz, Ceftazidim-MIP, Fortum, Kefazim

ATC-Code: J01DD02 - Ceftazidim

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Last updated: 2021-05-13